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Structural/Pass Through
Long structural shapes, plates, pipes/tube or large fabrications are cleaned as they pass through the blasting chamber.

Post Fabrication Roll Conveyor Blast System

Continuous Production Descaler

Batch Barrel

Skew Roll Pass Through

12 Wheel Monorail System

Structural Descaler

Four Wheel Monorail

Large Plate Blast
Heavy-duty, low maintenance, high production shotblast and shot peening systems.
- MetFin is a customer-focused original equipment manufacturer servicing the global metal finishing market.
- Our top priority is to meet each client's unique surface preparation needs.
- Providing optimized solutions to integrate seamlessly into your existing production processes.
- State-of-the-art systems, engineered and built for durability and ease of maintenance, provide extended "up" time and reduced operating cost.
- Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Every component is designed with our customers' long term interest in mind.
Talk to us. We'll analyze your requirements
and recommend a MetFin solution to
meet all of your blasting or peening requirements.
Creating blast cleaning solutions for more than 30 years.
Contact Us or call 800-537-8966