Keys to a Successful Shotblast Purchase

Industrial shotblast systems can be productive, efficient and clean operations, producing large volumes of cleaned product when attention is paid to a few key points:


Equipment is specified based on the size of your parts, the material they are formed from, the purpose for blast cleaning, the desired finish and the through put rate required. Shotblast machines consist of four primary components; the blast wheel(s) that propels abrasive, the cabinet that contains the abrasive, the abrasive reclaim system and the material handling system. Based on your requirements, we will combine each of these components into a system that fits perfectly to your production facility.


Efficient operation of a shotblast system requires the optimization of interdependent systems. Only by keeping each of the various components functioning at their highest level can the entire system run efficiently. Typically, as one component deteriorates, the inefficiencies cascade to subsequent components and become amplified.


Selecting the right media is the next key to a successful installation. A wide variety of abrasive materials, shapes and sizes are available to provide just the right finish for your product. The type and size chosen will impact the configuration of your system's blast apparatus and reclaim system.


Shotblast systems require maintenance. This highly abrasive process continuously wears on the components. High wear areas of MetFin's shotblast equipment are protected by easily replaceable, sacrificial wear components to ease the maintenance process.


We offer a full line of standard shotblast equipment. If a standard system does not fit your needs, our knowledgeable staff of engineers will provide a customized solution utilizing our fully integrated 3-D engineering resources.